Monday, July 27, 2009

Kinda Creepy

So, I'm on Facebook last night and write a status that says I just finished watching my favorite tv show and that I'm about to write some erotica. A guy I used to work with responds with something funny. This particular guy is not attractive to me although I was not oblivious to the fact that he was attracted to me. He was a pretty cool guy though so we used to hang out at work.

Getting to the point, he sends me a instant message asking the following question: "Do you get turned on by the things you write?" Followed by him explaining he has always wanted to ask someone who produced adult content this question. Good question, imo. I tell him yes. If it doesn't turn me on then how could it turn on my readers? He tells me he has writen a few of my stories even though they are marketed to his race. He likes them. I, being the vain artist that I am, love hearing this. Then he asks if I have ever stopped writing to take care of the horny feelings that occur. I've been asked this before and thought it also a good question. My response is no, I wait until after so that I don't break my thought process and lose the flow that I'm in.

Now for the creepy. He tells me that he's jacked off a few times while reading one of my stories. I'm feeling like eeewww dude! I know we cool but did I really need to know that? I respond with an "oh, ok." Then he goes even further with: I like knowing that you rub one out to your stories just like I do. We're both doing it, you know." Ok, now that even creepier b/c I can just picture this guy reading Silk, picturing me and him in story, jacking off, and wondering if I'm "rubbing one out" while he is.

I know this is pretty a much a "goes with the territory" kind of thing. I wouldn't be creeped out if it was some random fan sending an email. But I know this guy. Worked with him for months. Have his cell phone number in my phone. It's just creepy!

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