One of the things that attracts me to people is their interest in the arts. I would much rather have a conversation with someone who can talk about something other than what horrible song they heard on the radio or what show they watched on television. (Actually, one exception with television. I have a friend who frequently watches the History Channel and Discovery Channel and thus engages me in some interesting conversation. He's even got me watching those channels more often.) Life just seems better when art is involved. You are learning while enjoying yourself.
Me being a writer, I love books. Reading has always been my favorite past time. Depending on the book, I will pass up going out with friends to finish reading. I always ask people what they've read recently. Some people I don't even have to ask because they will tell me in the course of a conversation. The one answer I despise most is "I don't read," followed by a look of disgust or confusion that I actually asked that question. Once I hear this answer, I look at that person different. A lot of times I'll asked, "What do you mean you don't read?" while giving them the same disgusted or confused look. Not that I'm trying to be funny but I actually don't get it when people say that.
How is it that the only thing you've read are books you were required to read to graduate high school? Why don't people take an interest in reading anything at all? Read something. Why let your brain go to waste once your graduate? It's ridiculous! It's all the more dissapointing when I hear a black person saying this. There is so much you can learn. I'm not saying go out and read an encyclopedia. Go to the bookstore and read something you find interesting. Stop relying on "the movie version" to learn something. Read the book. It's far more interesting.
White people have published articles stating that Black people and our communities will continue to be oppressed and in the sad state they are in because we do not read. Instead of reading, learning, and utilizing the skills we could learn, we watch tv, go shopping, and do everything but build each other up. Why not give your child a book instead of sitting them in front of the television?
Those who are successful, move away from the community and never look back unless they find some type of benfit to themselves such as a tax break. Why not build up the community and teach the children how to be better individuals. A better individual will lead to a better group of people. This group can then rebuild the community and it's people, leading to a better financial state and way of living for our people.
We have to help ourselves and the first step is to learn how. Pick up a book.
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11 years ago