Thursday, June 25, 2009

Black people and Books

One of the things that attracts me to people is their interest in the arts. I would much rather have a conversation with someone who can talk about something other than what horrible song they heard on the radio or what show they watched on television. (Actually, one exception with television. I have a friend who frequently watches the History Channel and Discovery Channel and thus engages me in some interesting conversation. He's even got me watching those channels more often.) Life just seems better when art is involved. You are learning while enjoying yourself.

Me being a writer, I love books. Reading has always been my favorite past time. Depending on the book, I will pass up going out with friends to finish reading. I always ask people what they've read recently. Some people I don't even have to ask because they will tell me in the course of a conversation. The one answer I despise most is "I don't read," followed by a look of disgust or confusion that I actually asked that question. Once I hear this answer, I look at that person different. A lot of times I'll asked, "What do you mean you don't read?" while giving them the same disgusted or confused look. Not that I'm trying to be funny but I actually don't get it when people say that.

How is it that the only thing you've read are books you were required to read to graduate high school? Why don't people take an interest in reading anything at all? Read something. Why let your brain go to waste once your graduate? It's ridiculous! It's all the more dissapointing when I hear a black person saying this. There is so much you can learn. I'm not saying go out and read an encyclopedia. Go to the bookstore and read something you find interesting. Stop relying on "the movie version" to learn something. Read the book. It's far more interesting.

White people have published articles stating that Black people and our communities will continue to be oppressed and in the sad state they are in because we do not read. Instead of reading, learning, and utilizing the skills we could learn, we watch tv, go shopping, and do everything but build each other up. Why not give your child a book instead of sitting them in front of the television?

Those who are successful, move away from the community and never look back unless they find some type of benfit to themselves such as a tax break. Why not build up the community and teach the children how to be better individuals. A better individual will lead to a better group of people. This group can then rebuild the community and it's people, leading to a better financial state and way of living for our people.

We have to help ourselves and the first step is to learn how. Pick up a book.

Monday, June 22, 2009


There are two stories that I've been working on for a while. They are both short stories but they are going to be written as series. 2 different series. The first one actually shouldn't even be that difficult. It's a pretty simple story. 2 characters. It's only a series because it's too long to match up with the length I prefer the shorts to be. I try and keep a short story 3 pgs or less because I feel it makes them easier to read online and there isn't too much detail (this allows the reader imagination to kick in). I'm a little upset with myself for not having finished this one. It's not an issue of writer's block since I no longer believe in that. I think the issue is I'm just not feeling creative when I look at this story and I'm not sure how I want to end it. When I pull this story up on my computer, I literally just stare at it. Not good. But I will write this one b/c I love the concept of the story and I am determined to finish it. I will finish it.

The second series is actually difficult. I can do it but I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around it. I'm working with 6-8 characters whom I have spent a great deal of time developing. They are very diverse in personality as well as culturally. The concept of the story was easy to come up with but I had to write guidelines to allow it to work and it also helped set up story lines. I have guidelines and characters. I thought that would be the hardest part. But now, I actually have to write this. I have a clear idea for two of the stories. The first will be basic, nothing special. Just giving the reader an idea of how it all works. The second has a clear story and purpose but will have the added difficulty of writing a three-some scene. I've never done it before. I want to have 3-4 stories before I start putting this on the website. I'll also have to create an entirely new section on the website because it won't be able to just be added to the list of Blerotica Stories. I'm going to have to design a new section and that means redesigning the website a little bit. Lots of work but worth it.

Hopefully I can just get these things done without talking myself out of doing it. I know I can do it, I just have to do it. Maybe I need to give myself deadlines.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Stop Fronting

One thing that drives me crazy is people who lie when there is absolutely no reason. If you lie for a reason fine, you had a reason, but otherwise stop it. I am thoroughly irritated by people, females to be specific, who lie about their sex drive. I am not ignorant to the fact that there are many women in this world who have little to no desire to have sex for multiple reasons. I feel sorry for them and hope there is a cure to be found for them. This lack of sex drive is due to physical or psychological issue that no one should have to deal with.
Then there are women who have a perfectly normal sex drive and claim not to want or enjoy sex. They makes claims that they don't have a high sex drive because sex is not important to them, the just don't feel like it, or they only do it because they know men expect them to. Granted, there are some women who really feel this way but for those who don't, why are you saying this? Do you think it makes you appear feminine, virtuous or innocent by claiming not to want/like sex? Do you think a man will want you more because your sex drive is less than his own?
In case you missed the memo, let me advise you: No one want to be with someone who doesn't want to have sex with them. Why would someone want to be with you when you claim you have no sex drive. This just means that in dating you, that person doesn't get to have sex...and maybe it's just me but that SUCKS! It doesn't give the appearance of innocence, virtue or any other thoughts of purity. It makes you look frigid and inexperienced.
And for those who love sex and pretend not to, you show that you lie for no reason. Prime example, is a woman who says she doesn't want to have sex but keeps going to spend the night at a man's house who has a high sex drive. Why? Especially if you know every time you go over there you will have sex with him. If you didn't want to do it, you wouldn't put yourself in the situation. I came across this very situation this week. My friend has a high sex drive and also a rule that if a female spends the night at his house, he's getting some. Point blank, simple. I am exempt from the rule as are more family than friends. So I go over to his house one night and a female who frequently claims she hates sex and only has it b/c she feels obligated to do so is there. Mind you, she spends the night at his house frequently. We are sitting on the bed, watching tv and she starts yawning and stretching and saying "oh man, i'm soooo tired" and other things like this. Clearly dropping the hint that she wants me to leave so she can get some of that dick. But wait a minute, if you don't like sex, why are you so pressed for me to leave?
So I'm laughing to myself and just to be bitchy, I stay another 30 minutes. My friend and I are laughing about it because we both see through this bullshit routine she is putting on. To me, it wasn't her trying to drop hints that irritated me though, it was how often she's always complaining about not wanting to have sex. Every time I see her, she tells me about how she hates it and all her reasons behind it. STOP LYING! Clearly you like to fuck! I've heard her head game is great and you put yourself in the situation on a regular basis. Stop fronting and just admit that you like to fuck! Nobody is going to look at you differently or even care for that matter. It's normal to love sex. Just accept the little bit of freak you got in you and keep it moving. I'm not saying stand on the roof tops and shout it out but leave your inhibitions behind and enjoy yourself.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mix it up a little bit

One of my friends keeps asking me to write interracial erotica. He is of mixed heritage and as dated practically every nationality. His dick doesn't discriminate. It's a beautiful thing. I have no problem writing on a subject or whatever it is my friends/readers ask me to write about. I ask everyone if they want a particular aspect written into a story, tell me and I will do it. Gotta give the people what they want!

So I was writing a story that I hadn't finished yet. I was asking his opinion on it and read him the part that was written. He provided his feedback and again asked when I would write an interracial story. I told him about a series of stories that I have been working on and described the people (one is actually based off of him). His response was essentially, yeah that's cool but when is it gonna be on the website so it can be read. Hhhmmm... good question. The series is taking longer than expected, partially due to the difficulty in writer's block and also not knowing how I want to execute the entire thing. I didn't plan it too well when I started.

We get off the phone and I'm back to writing. The story seems to be getting a bit stale so i decide to take his advice. One problem, I've never been in an interracial relationship and I feel like I'm not prepared to accurately write about one. Not that this short story was going to have major detail. It would at the max be 3 pages long. But still, I felt like I was not the correct person to be doing this. So I figured I'd start off with something interracial but not at the same time. I made the character Creole.

That in itself turned out to be pretty difficult because there is no Creole to English dictionary. So I pieced together some words and hope it makes sense to someone who actually speaks Creole. I really enjoyed writing Her Scent for a lot more reasons than this but I'm sure this will be a good start to expanding my writing skill and knowledge.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Writer's Block

I didn't realize how long it had been since I originally posted something here. That maybe because I went through a bit of a writer's block. A couple of things cured that. The first being somewhat reunited with an old friend who has been working out a lot. To say he has a nice body is an understatement. Seeing that body spurred me to write a few shorts which I will soon add to The House of Blerotica. I think I found my new muse. More on that later.

The second was a quote that I will share from a movie. Sorry but I don't remember the name of the movie. "I don't believe in writer's block. I just keep writing until it starts making sense again." That may not be the exact verbiage but close enough. I love this quote because a writer can write 24/7 but it may not feel right to them. That's writer's block. You feel blocked off from the truly creative part of yourself and what you're writing is a lesser version of your greatness. How one deals with this determines how long you stay blocked.

I notice that when I don't like what I'm writing, if I completely stop writing, I won't write again for weeks, maybe even a month or two. If I'm determined to finish something by a certain time, I'll keep writing. Eventually it will start to flow and I will later go back to fix what I don't like. My best friend/editor pointed out that this is also the whole point of the editing process; to fix what does not flow with the rest. So from now on, I will write by the above quote and just keep writing.